Navigating Daily Life

A Time to RESET (In the Midst of Challenge)

We are in an unprecedented challenge across the globe. The COVID-19 virus is very fluid as it moves across countries, states and into our homes. Many of us are grappling with this situation and we are making daily adjustments. We have to “RESET” and look at a new normal for the unforeseeable future. While meeting the charge, here are steps we can take to see the light in this interminable burrow.

Renew Your Family Traditions

We are running through life at a high speed and sometimes do not stop to simply enjoy one another. I am taking in this time with my family. We’re not only enjoying family dinner, but we’re now relishing the family breakfast and lunch hours. Our oldest daughter, Christina, is completing her senior year of college at home. We have a unique opportunity to spend precious time with her before she starts her life and career away from our home.

Experience the Very Best in the Small Gifts

Each morning, my husband, Merle, and I are the first to rise and start our work day. Catherine wakes up mid-morning with the most exhilarating greeting. She makes her way to the stairwell and shouts in the most melodious tune, “Good Morning Daddy!” She then hurries to my desk and gives the sweetest hug and kiss on the cheek. We are on a break from the rigorous schedule of a long commute, short words, and distant thoughts. I make sure to pause and appreciate this gift in such a special way.

Spend Time in the Word

I like to call my time of meditation “my quiet time.” I rise early in the morning while the house is very still and the day is just slipping out of darkness. I ease into our recliner with a hot cup of Earl Grey tea and read scripture. These days I seek refuge in Psalm 91 as it gives an anchor to start my day. Now more than ever this time helps me to steady my thoughts and prepare to meet the challenges of my day.

Establish a Routine

This is a huge leap because the routine is changing for every member of our family. Merle and I both work from home and both girls participate in distance learning. Merle, Christina and I all take turns to ensure Catherine gets through her day with little to no screen time (sometimes we are not successful) while balancing our responsibilities. Catherine does not understand the change, but takes comfort in routine. When she knows her schedule, she can adapt. This takes teamwork and commitment.  Yes, we do have the clash of virtual work meetings and zoom classes, but we make the best of it.

A Time to RESET (In the Midst of Challenge)

A Time to RESET (In the Midst of Challenge)

Take Care of Yourself

This is a great time to take care of yourself in a special way. You may have difficulty sleeping or concentrating and may experience stress eating. Prepare and eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Get outside, exercise and enjoy the fresh air, but be sure to practice social distancing. This is a great time to plant a small garden or read the latest best seller. Reconnect with friends you have not spoken with in a long time or pick up that hobby you have on the back burner.

Yes, we are in a difficult time and we may be fearful about our future. Try to RESET as you receive what comes each day. I recall a verse from an old spiritual I heard in church from my childhood, “I am so Glad, Trouble Don’t Last Always!” This timeless melody has helped me RESET in my troubling times. Think of a melody, poem or inspirational verse that can help you RESET and bring you good cheer during this time.

We’re all trying to stay positive during this time. I want to share a motivational video from one of my favorite people, Kelsey, a personal trainer and fitness coach at my gym Outlaw Fitcamp in Mckinney, Texas. She has coached me for several months and has enlightened me on how to care for my “total” self in all seasons. This COVID-19 virus will not get the best of us. Take a listen at her encouraging words.


  1. Eva says:

    Thank you for your post!
    I haven’t read psalm 91 before. It is a deep one.
    It’s great to see your beautiful family!

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