If you’re like me you are always looking for ways to keep your children engaged in reading over the summer months. More importantly, you don’t want them to lose too much ground while they are away from school. Catherine’s reading teacher, Kelly Kile at Notre Dame School of Dallas, sent a list of thirteen suggested Summer Reading Activities to parents at the end of the school year. I just have to share it with you. The activities are designed to meet the needs from the beginning to the more advanced reader.
- Label things in your home. Create a new decorating trend! Use index cards and tape labels on everything! Chairs, doors, televisions, lamps, refrigerators, mirrors, etc. You get the idea!
- Help your child read food boxes. When a box is empty, cut off the front and make it into a puzzle by cutting it up.
- Take your child to the grocery store; make it an adventure to read the labels. Give them a simple grocery list to follow.
- Read signs everywhere you go! Stop, caution, exit, bathroom, enter, push, pull, etc. Discuss the meaning of these words.
- Have your child help you cook. Read a recipe or follow instructions on microwave meals.
- Go to the Library, let your child look around and pick a few books to enjoy.
- Practice sight words from the lists below:
- Practice the survival and community words as well.
- Watch some of the YouTube videos listed below with your child.
Jack Hartmann Kids Music Channel
Fry’s Phrases Set 1
4th Hundred Molock Fry Words with audible words
- READ TO YOUR CHILD! Find some of YOUR childhood favorite books or stories and just read to them.
- Ask questions after reading.
- Have your child draw pictures of what they’ve read or heard
- Most of all have fun with books!!
We’ve already starting on a few activities with Catherine and she is having great fun. She really enjoys reading the labels in our home and at the grocery store. If you have educational summer activities please connect with us so we can share it with our audience. Happy reading!!
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