Resources and Guides

6 Fun Fall Activities for the Family

There is a crisp in the air and the signs of fall are all around us. Leaves change colors, the temperature drops, and we’re finally in sweater weather. There is so much fun out there. We want to share a few of Catherine’s fun activities to consider for this fall season.


1. Carve or Paint Pumpkins

A favorite go-to for us each year. Find the perfect size and carve your best pumpkin smile. We carved a large pumpkin this year and painted small ones for our fall display. You can find an economical Pumpkin Carving kit at any big box store

Carve or Paint Pumpkins

2. Create Fun in the Kitchen

This is a fun go to for Catherine. She loves baking cookies and brownies. We found fun Halloween decorations and a themed tombstone brownie mix that was perfect for a cool fall night at home.

Create Fun in the Kitchen

3. Visit a Halloween Extravaganza

Themed Extravaganza was a new addition for us this year at Pumpkin Nights Dallas. The half-mile course on a farm offers 5000 hand carved pumpkin. Catherine was in awe and really enjoyed the scenery.

Pumpkin Nights | Dallas/Fort Worth, TX

Visit a Halloween Extravaganza

4. Take a Fall Craft Class

Catherine and I took a Family Fall Wreath class at Micheals and it was great mommy-daughter time. Michaels has Sunday Makebreak events for last minute costume ideas, glow rocks, mini canvas easel gift cards, painting ornaments and so much more!

In Store (

5. Try Something New and Different – Silk Art

We try to introduce Catherine to new and different ideas. She tried her hand at Silk Art, a traditional art form of water and marbling workshop. She chose a hat and a 3-dimensional hexagon to marble.

Home | Dallas Silk Art

Try Something New and Different – Silk Art

6. Enjoy Treasures from Nature

The fall gives us so many rich colors and opportunities to bring nature into our home. On a recent trip to grandparents in South Carolina, we took advantage of the nice weather. We spotted a pelican on our trail and collected pine cones.

Enjoy Treasures from Nature

Catherine’s having a great time with the season and we hope you plan time to take advantage of fun some of these fun activities. Please share your adventures with us!

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